Request for Home and Living Supports

Home and living supports can assist you to live independently, and improve your living, household and management, social, communication, and behavioural management skills.

Who can complete this form?

Participants or a person acting on their behalf, such as a family member, friend or guardian. In this form we use the term ‘You’ and ‘Your’. This is referring to the NDIS participant.

You can fill out this form electronically or print and complete it using a blue or black pen.

What is this form for?

This form is to let the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) know you need home and living supports in your plan and those supports cannot be met through mainstream, community, informal or other supports. This form can be used to start the process without having to go through a Planner or Local Area Coordinator.

This form helps the NDIA identify home and living supports to meet your needs.

Once the form has been completed and returned:

  • The NDIA will review your request.

  • If there is not enough information, we will let you know what we need.

  • We will let you know the outcome and the next steps.

The NDIS may provide funding for the following home and living supports:

  • Support so that you can explore different housing options.

  • Support to help you with developing skills for independence.

  • Modifications or assistive technology to make your current home more accessible.

  • Support and help to complete day-to-day tasks.

  • Specialised supports for care and accommodation for people with very complex needs.

1. Participant details

2. Reason for this request

2.1. What is your main reason for this request?

Mark ‘Yes’ for only the reasons that apply to you.

2.2. Is there another reason for your request?

3. Current living arrangement

3.1. What is your current living arrangement?

Mark ‘Yes’ only for the arrangement that best describes your situation in the table.

3.2. Do you have a different living arrangement that is not listed above?

4. Housing and living support goals

4.1. Do you have a housing and living support goal in your NDIS plan?

4.2. Do you want to add this goal or another housing and living goal to your plan at plan review?

5. Support to help you

5.1. What housing and living supports will best help you to meet your goals?

Mark ‘Yes’ only for the supports that you need.

6. Your current housing and living situation

6.1. Who do you currently live with?

6.2. How long have you lived in your current arrangement?

6.3. Where did you live before your current arrangement?

6.4. How are you managing at home now?

6.5. What is most important to you for your future living arrangements and support needs?

6.6. Do you have any cultural, religious, lifestyle or personal preferences?

6.7. How would a change to your current living arrangement or supports, improve your overall wellbeing or functioning?

6.8. Do you receive assistance right now from a carer or support person?

Please tell us their details are and what they do for you below

6.9. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your current housing and living situation?

7. How you manage tasks

7.1. How do you manage everyday tasks?

Please tell us your ability with the tasks listed below. Mark only one for each task listed.

8. Your health care needs

8.1. Do you need support with your health care needs?

Please tell us if you have any health care needs listed below. Select ‘Yes’ only for the health care need(s) that apply to you.

9. Assessments and reports

9.1. Have you completed or had a review of any of the plans or programs listed below in the last 12 months?

Select ‘Yes’ only for those that apply to you.

9.2. Have you completed or had a review of a plan or program that was not listed above?

10. Assistive technology and home modifications

10.1. Do you currently use assistive technology or equipment?

10.2. Have you had any home modifications done in the past?

11. Your decision-making

11.1. Do you receive any help with decision-making?

Please tell us who helps you below.

11.2. What is your relationship with this person?

11.3. Did you receive any help with completing this form?

11.4. What is your relationship with this person?

12. Participant consent

This is the consent you provide to the person(s) you have listed in part 11 of this form.

12.1. What information, if any, do you give consent to share with this person?

12.2. What actions, if any, do you give consent for this person to do on your behalf?

12.3. What is the reason, if any, you are providing this person with consent?

12.4. Is there any other information you consent to share with this person?

12.5. What length of time, if any, you are providing the consent for?

Please mark only one of the options below.

13. Acknowledgement

13.1. Participant acknowledgement.

Please note: NDIS participants have other options instead of signing here. If you are unable to sign here, you can direct someone aged 18 and over to sign, in the section below called ‘Delegate acknowledgement’. Someone else can also sign the ‘Delegate acknowledgement’ if you have provided consent for them to act on your behalf in part 12 above.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear

13.2. Delegate acknowledgement

Please note: This section is only to be completed if the participant is unable to sign above. Instead, their chosen delegate must be aged 18 and over and can sign below.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear

13.3. What is your relationship with the participant?

Please mark the relevant option below to indicate your relationship to the participant.

Privacy and your personal information

Collection of your personal information

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) would like some personal information from you to simplify your engagement with the NDIS. Any personal information you provide to the NDIA is safe under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and the Privacy Act 1988. You can also ask to see what personal information (if any) we hold about you at any time and can seek correction if the information is wrong.

Personal information use and disclosure

The NDIA will use your information to support your involvement in the NDIS.

The NDIA will NOT use any of your personal information for any other purpose, or disclose your personal information to any other organisations or individuals (including any overseas recipients), unless authorised by law or you provide your consent for us to do so.

The NDIA’s privacy policy describes

  • how we use your personal information

  • why some personal information may be given to other organisations from time to time

  • how you can access the personal information we have about you on our system

  • how you can complain about a privacy breach, and how the NDIA deals with the complaint

  • how you can get your personal information corrected if it is wrong.

You can read the policy at the

Personal information storage

The NDIA uses an Australian Government computer system to store personal information. System users, other than NDIA staff, may at times be able to see your name when they perform program duties, however they can’t record, use or disclose information, and they will not know if you become an NDIS participant. State or territory government officials may also have personal information access as part of the agreement between governments to assist the states and territories in their NDIS evaluation.